Course Details


GISS Course Details

Gordonstoun International Summer Schools

At Active Revision we have a dynamic timetable which keeps the students active and engaged.

Students arrive on Monday afternoon, ready for icebreakers and general exam skills, before embarking on five days of intense revision sessions and physical activities designed to stimulate the brain and body, increasing learning potential and memory.

A Typical Day at GISS

A typical daily schedule at GISS includes a plethora of activities including sport, creative arts, adventure activities and students' individual course choices.

At Gordonstoun we have a structured, dynamic timetable which keeps the students active and interested all day.

Students spend two weeks on campus and one week on the West Coast of Scotland completing the adventure phase.

He experienced so much wonder and excitement in the past three and a half weeks. We cannot be more pleased with this summer adventure…

- Summer School Parent

An example of a typical week at our Summer School can be found below:

We aim to build young people’s confidence in teamwork and leadership through specific activities, such as the obstacle course, low ropes and initiative tests.

However, these life skills are also built in a host of other activities in our comprehensive programme, from sailing to group performances.

Course Details

Study Choices

English as an Additional Language (E.A.L.) (ages 8-16)
Students are assigned the appropriate class using the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Tailored lessons provide the opportunity to practise the four core skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking and there are opportunities to read literature and examine current issues for more advanced students.
Literature and Creative Writing (ages 8-16)  
Suitable for students where English is their first language, or for those with a strong command of it, this course improves skills through studying Literature and Creative Writing. Students develop their literary criticism by analysing texts such as poetry, short stories and plays. There are workshops on creating engaging story openings, using effective imagery, and creating suspense in a variety of genres.
Computing (ages 8-16)
This course combines topics including computer programming, PC building, cyber security and ICT skills. An interest in computers, gaming or programming will help but is not critical. The course is mostly practical, with opportunities for more advanced students to complete high level tasks such as designing and building a video game.
International Citizenship (ages 13-16)
This course is suitable for students who have a strong command of English or are native speakers. It aims to improve spoken English through debates and presentations, with particular emphasis on promoting understanding and empathy. Students discuss global issues, learning to challenge information and express their own opinions in ways which celebrate diversity and promote global peace and cooperation.
Our Natural World (ages 8-12)
This course is suitable for our younger students with a good level of English, who learn about biodiversity and the value of our natural environment to global health, our society and economy. Many lessons take place outside - our 200 acre campus and nearby beaches, cliffs and rockpools boast an impressive array of bird and sea life. Classroom sessions include research and project work, presentations and debates.
Social Enterprise and Social Entrepreneurship (ages 13-16)
This course is suitable for students for whom English is their first language, or those with a strong command of it. Students learn about enterprise and entrepreneurship, including how to spot a business idea, create a business plan and source finance. The culmination of the course is an event, planned and presented by students, which benefits their chosen social cause.


Gordonstoun has an excellent sports centre, a climbing wall, an all-weather astroturf pitch, an indoor heated swimming pool, four squash courts, 12 tennis courts and a 400m track. A wide range of sports and team games are available including badminton, basketball, football, hockey, volleyball, tennis, squash, swimming and athletics.

Creative Arts

Art & Craft
Gordonstoun’s art centre is the venue for art tuition. Past students have designed t-shirts and silk paintings, made tiles and jewellery, and tried clay modelling.
In the school’s workshops, students develop their abilities with wood, leather, glass, metal and enamel. Items such as candlesticks, ornamental clocks and mobiles have been taken home with pride by previous students of all ages.
Music Making
In Music Making all students are involved in creating a concert at the end of the course. Beginners learn an instrument and the musically gifted have opportunities to showcase their talents.


Recreation and Social Time

Options may include:
  • The City of Elgin with its historic ruined Cathedral and museum.
  • Beautiful scenic drive to the West Coast along the banks of Loch Ness, with possible sightings of the Loch Ness Monster!
  • Inverness Castle in its historic setting on the banks of the River Ness.
  • Cawdor and Brodie Castles – both of which are in easy reach of the school.
Recreational Activities
Optional activities include clay target shooting, horse riding, golf, cookery, ten-pin bowling, karting, ice-skating, cinema and, of course, shopping!
Social Time
In the evenings, between activities, there are opportunities for individual choice and creative recreation. There are discos and socials. And our football, volleyball and tennis facilities are available at all times.


Sailing & Outdoor Adventure

Gordonstoun is a pioneer of education through experience in adventurous activities and ocean sailing - and this is often the highlight for many students.

A special feature of the three-week courses is the six-day Adventure Programme, instructed by a team of experienced staff. For even our youngest students this is a special time and they gain great confidence from it.

Outdoor Adventure
Students undertake a programme of adventurous activity: canoeing, rock climbing, abseiling, kayaking, coasteering, gorge walking, canyoning and mountain biking may be amongst the options offered.
Students will spend three days sailing off the beautiful Scottish coast. Students will take full part in activities depending on age and experience.



The all-inclusive cost of £6,450 for the three week course covers from the moment of arrival at the school to the day of departure.

What's Included in the Cost?
  • Accommodation and all pastoral care
  • All meals with plenty of choice
  • All academic tuition
  • All sports and tuition
  • All expeditions & sailing and adventurous activities
  • All recreational activities and excursions
  • All laundry
  • Emergency Medical health cover while at GISS
  • Airport transfers from/to Aberdeen (Dyce) or Inverness (Dalcross) airports.

There are no extras other than any personal pocket money at parents’ discretion and travel & medical insurance which is highly recommended.


Lucky attendees get to sail around the Western Isles in the school’s fleet of yachts and try their hand at kayaking, gorge-walking and canoeing. It’s a course like no other – and it's little wonder so many children return year-after-year.
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