Supporting Gordonstoun

Supporting Gordonstoun

Our Community

There are many ways to support Gordonstoun, secure the future of Kurt Hahn’s vision and ensure our students continue to thrive. Whether you are in a position to support us now, or in future, we hope you enjoy reading more about our projects and foundations.

Ways to support Gordonstoun

As we head towards our centenary, we would love you to come on the journey with us. We want to increase our bursary provision, build world leading facilities and ensure Gordonstoun’s education thrives in a sustainable future.

Sustainable Futures Strategy

Gordonstoun recently unveiled our ‘Sustainable Futures Strategy’, investing £14 million over the next three years.

In our most ambitious plan since WW2, the project will see the construction of a new Coastguard Centre, Sixth Form Centre and Business Enterprise hub. This will be followed by a solar farm, allowing us to switch to renewable energy, an integral part of the school’s sustainable strategy.

The Strategy also recognises the importance of the nine historical buildings of interest on our campus, and our responsibility to protect them. Gordonstoun House, a Category A building dating back to the 16th Century, will be amongst several buildings refurbished and restored.


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“Having attended Gordonstoun with support for the fees, and having had a career in business, it is now time to give back to ensure that the school continues to thrive and allow many more generations the same opportunity.”

andrew Beaton, Cumming House, 1970-1975

Find out more about joining and supporting our community.

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*Supporting Gordonstoun enquiry form TBD


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