Prep Pupil FAQ | Prep Student FAQ’s


Prep Pupil FAQ's


Welcome to the Gordonstoun Prep’s Pupil FAQ page!

Your questions, answered by our pupils - get firsthand insights and discover what life is really like at our school. From academics to boarding life, we've got tips to help you make the most of your time here.

What is the daily schedule like at Gordonstoun?

  • 07:30 - 08:10 - Breakfast for Boarders
  • 08:00 - 08:10 - Day Pupil arrival
  • 08:20 - 08:40 - Assembly
  • 08:45 - 10:50 - Lessons 1 and 2 (1 hour each)
  • 10:50 - 11:15 - Morning piece (fruit snack is served)
  • 11:15 - 12:15 - Lesson 3
  • 12:20 - 13:20 - Lunch
  • 13:20 - 14:20 - Lesson 4 (Games 3 days a week)
  • 14:20 - 14:40 - Afternoon Cake Piece and Change after games
  • 14:40 - 15:25 - Lesson 5 (Games/Projects 2 days a week) and Reception– Year 2 dismiss
  • 15:30 - 16:30 - Lesson 6
  • 16:30 - 17:30 - Hahn Time (wellbeing in form classes/supported prep) Years 3–8 day pupils dismiss
  • 17:30 - 18:30 - Supper
  • 18:45 - 19:30 - Years 7 and 8 Prep in Form Classes, Years 4–6 prep in the Common Room
  • 19:30 - 21:00 - Evening activities/music practice/Years 4–6 Bedtime
  • 21:00 - Bedtime and lights out for Years 7-8

Will i have to share a room?

Yes, we all share rooms, there are about 3 or 4 pupils per room and we each have our own bedspace area that we can decorate with photos or postcards or posters.


Yes, you can call home every night if you want to.

Years 4 – 6 call at 5.15pm and Years 7 and 8 call at 8.10pm.

What is the food like at Gordonstoun?

There are always lots of options like, pasta, soup, vegetarian, meat choices, salads and so many more. ‘Fish and Chip Fridays’ are very popular and pancakes at breakfast. We have Prep pupils on the refectory committee who give ideas and the chefs cater for all tastes to make sure everyone across the world gets a taste of home

How do i make friends in school?

Every new pupil is given a buddy who will help you settle into the routine at school but you will quickly make friends because we do so many activities together and we are a small and friendly group who love to welcome new pupils.

Am I allowed to use my phone at Gordonstoun?

We are not allowed to use mobile phones during the school day, but if you are boarding you will get to use it in the evenings and weekends to call home. Day pupils are not usually allowed to bring mobile phones to school.

Do you have school on Saturdays at Gordonstoun?

On Saturday mornings there are lessons until 1215 for all Year 8 pupils. There are also sports matches on a Saturday morning too.

What is the best part about boarding at Gordonstoun Prep?

Yes, you can call home every night if you want to. Years 4 – 6 call at 5.15pm and Years 7 and 8 call at 8.10pm.

Are there any other people who speak my language at Gordonstoun Prep?

There are a lot of different languages spoken at Gordonstoun, over 60 in fact!

If you email the admissions team they will be able to answer this question for you. There are also sibling suppers which are dinners where you can meet with siblings and people from your own country

Can I bring my own snacks and sweets to school?

We don’t bring any food from home as there are snacks in the house and in the evenings and weekends there is a tuck shop where we can buy treats. My favourite is popcorn for movie nights on Saturdays.

Will I be able to keep up with my hobbies at Gordonstoun Prep?

There are so many activities you can get involved with and if it isn’t something that is already being done at school, you can speak with a teacher and they will help you to share your hobby with others and look to introduce it as a regular activity if others share your passion for it. Examples of hobbies and activities are Horse Riding, Shooting, Climbing, Crafting, Baking, Football, Orienteering and Gymnastics.

What do you do in the evenings and at weekends?

There is always lots to do and they keep us really busy!

During weekends, we can explore local beaches, go to the cinema or bowling alley or visit local castles. We all love movie nights on a Saturday where we can chill together in the common room. 

In the evenings, we can go play music together or go and play some sports like Badminton in the Sports Centre. Sometimes we take part in productions and have rehearsals in the evenings too.

What is the uniform like at Gordonstoun?

During the school day we either wear our day uniform or sports kit. On Fridays and special occasions we wear our kilts.

The day uniform is a dark blue jumper with a light blue top and either a set of dark blue chords for the boys or dark blue trousers or skirt for the girls. 

When we wear our kilts we wear long woollen socks, a white shirt, tie and our usual dark blue jumper.

Who can I talk to if I have a concern?

There are lots of friendly staff here.

You can talk to your Form teacher, Matron, the House Parent or you can speak to one of the student wellbeing watchers, who are Year 8s that help other pupils when they need it.

Will my religion or faith be supported at Gordonstoun?

There are lots of different religions at Gordonstoun because we have pupils from all over the world. School helps you to celebrate religious festivals and it’s fun to share these with other pupils.

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